Friday, June 22, 2012


Summer vacation has officially began for the kiddo today. It’s hard to believe he’s going to be in second grade next year. It’s even harder to believe that June is just about over. Am I the only one who feels this month, like all of the others, has just flown by at warp speed?

This last week, I’ve been riding the rush of actually selling a piece of art. Not just one piece, but two! It’s exciting but at the same time a bit nerve wracking. I’ve been doing a lot of reading and research on how to increase sales and such in my shop. Frankly, my brain is a little frazzled at the moment. It’s a lot of information to take in all at once.

When I get frazzled or overwhelmed, I take a slow walk around our gardens. Our little veggie garden has taken off. A few of my plants are slowly coming back after being brutally chomped on by a critter. Whatever it was, ate a good portion of my Swiss Chard and Green Beans.


But the rest of the plants are budding with green tomatoes, zucchini and squash.




It’s also wonderful to see the flowers are starting to bloom. After the warm winter and the crazy frost we’ve had, I was worried a lot of them weren’t going to bloom. I do hope my poor lavender comes back. One bush I believe is gone and the other has about half come back. I will cut them both back in the fall and see if they make a grand come back in the spring before deciding what to do with them.




I find this quick break is usually what I need to feel refreshed and ready to dive back into whatever it is I am working on at the time.


How do you refresh?



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